Adult Driver ED
Satisfies DPS requirement for adults ages 18-24 applying for their first Texas license.

Teens Drivers ED
Parent-Taught and Online 32-Hour drivers ed courses for teens ages 14-17.
100% Online Course with No Final Exam
Complete the course at your computer or even on a mobile or tablet device.
Shortest Course Allowed By Texas Law!
Our courses are approved by the Texas Education Agency and all Texas courts.
Easy on Any Device - PC, Mobile or Tablet!
Study and complete your course anywhere on any device.
Reduces Your Car Insurance Premiums
Get up to a 10% “safe driver” discount on your auto liability insurance premium by completing online defensive driving.
Dismisses Your Eligible Traffic Ticket
You can dismiss a ticket once every 12 months by taking defensive driving.
Free Certificate & Completion Reporting
We’ll mail you your certificate the same day. Next Day FedEx delivery is also available.
Click below to order the GetDefensive.com defensive driving video today!
Texas defensive driving courses help drivers utilize safe driving strategies, improve their driving skills and address hazardous driving conditions. To help motorists operate vehicles safely and effectively, GetDefensive’s traffic school covers a variety of important factors ranging from traffic crashes, psychological driving factors such as road rage, and human factors such as driving under the influence. Our defensive driving classes in Texas also cover seat belt safety, traffic laws, crash prevention techniques and the dynamics of a crash, including driving speed, size of vehicle and place of impact. In addition to teaching motorists about vehicle safety, traffic school often results in the reduction of points on drivers licenses and discounts on car insurance rates. Additionally, GetDefensive’s TX defensive driving school is conveniently offered online and through video streaming.
About TX Defensive Driving Courses
Any driver can benefit from GetDefensive’s Texas online driving school, whether for his or her own personal safety or the safety of their families. Drivers can complete TX traffic school for the dismissal of a traffic ticket or to receive a safe driver discount on car insurance rates.
All Texas online driving school courses from GetDefensive are approved by the Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) and are accepted by state courts. However, prior court approval is needed in some cases. Courses may be completed once per year to dismiss a traffic ticket, reduce driving points, reinstate a drivers license suspension, or to receive as much as a ten percent safe driver insurance discount.
In some cases, online defensive driving school is required under Texas law. New adult motorists between the ages of 18 and 24 who have not yet received a driver’s license must complete an online traffic school course before taking the official DPS online exam.
Online Texas Defensive Driving Courses
GetDefensive’s Online driving school is affordable, user-friendly, educational and convenient. Texas driving school may be completed in just six hours, but students have the option to take as much time as they need and complete the course at their own pace. Additionally, online defensive driving courses from GetDefensive can be started or stopped at any time before completion.
To get started, students must first register for the course and complete the course within three months of registering. Once you have finished defensive driving school in Texas, the certificate of completion will be processed and mailed to the student. After the student receives the traffic school certificate and driving record (if requested), all documents must be presented to the court to dismiss a driving ticket or reduce driving points. A traffic school certificate and driving record may also be needed to receive a reduction in insurance rates.
Benefits of Defensive Driving Courses in Texas
Obtaining a state approved defensive driving certificate from GetDefensive is important for many different reasons. Most importantly, traffic school teaches drivers about driver safety. GetDefensive driving courses teach drivers important strategies for controlling their speed on the road, looking ahead while driving, maintaining a safe distance behind other vehicles, preparing for the behavior of other drivers and remaining alert and free of distractions while operating a motor vehicle.
Texas defensive driving school may also encourage the court to reduce motor violation ticket fines. Defensive driving courses can remove or reduce points from a drivers license and help to clean up a messy driving record. A clean driving record helps insurance companies identify an individual as a low-risk driver, while a driving record full of violations can put the driver in the high-risk category.
Low-risk drivers typically pay less in car insurance premiums while high-risk motorists pay more. A defensive driving class can help remove points from a less-than-perfect driving record. An excess of points on a driving record may result in a drivers license suspension. TX traffic school may help to reduce a driver’s risk of license suspension or help reinstate a suspended license more quickly.
What defensive driving courses are offered in Texas?
GetDefensive Texas online driving school offers several courses to drivers who want to improve their driving skills. An online defensive driving certificate earned from completing the defensive driving course may be used in court to dismiss a traffic violation or ticket. The TX defensive driving for ticket dismissal course may be taken once per year to dismiss a traffic ticket or to earn a reduction in vehicle insurance premiums.
Additionally, the driver may be required to complete a defensive driving course and request a copy of their Texas driving record. The driving record includes a record of any driving violations, suspensions or any other important details about the driver’s history. Driving records are sometimes necessary as part of employment background checks.
Other traffic school courses are also available. Adult driver education, teen driver education, fleet driver training and insurance reduction courses are other available options. Online driving school can be taken for all courses, but the teen driver education course is also provided as a Parent-Taught Driver Education Course.
Texas Point System
A TX defensive driving course may be completed to reduce the number of points a driver has received on their driving record. This point system is referred to as the Driver Responsibility Program. The state of Texas uses the Driver Responsibility Program’s point system to track driver behavior.
Through this point system, motorists receive points for performing various traffic violations. For instance, drivers will earn two points for performing a moving violation and three points for any violation that results in a collision. Unless a Texas point reduction course is successfully completed, all convictions remain on a driving record for a total of three years.
To reduce the amount of points on a driving record, drivers may take a point reduction course to remove the negative behavior from their driving record. If the driver continues to receive points over a three-year period, however, they may risk receiving a driver’s license suspension.
Unless a driver completes a defensive driving course, motorists with six or more points on their driving record may be required to pay a surcharge of $100 or more. Each additional point violation is $25.
Common violations that could result in two driving violation points include the following:
- • Performing unsafe lane changes
- • Failing to use turn signals
- • Illegally passing vehicles on the right
- • Violations relating to child safety restraint
- • Speeding more than ten percent above the speed limit
- • Driving slower than the minimum speed limit
- • Reckless driving
- • Running a stop sign or red light
- • Open alcoholic beverages
- • Following other vehicles at unsafe distances
- • Failing to yield for pedestrians
- • Fleeing an accident scene
Completing a point reduction course for certain moving violations can help reduce violation points.
However, drivers do not qualify for a TX point reduction class if the violation involves the following: traveling more than 25 miles-per-hour over the speed limit; driving a vehicle without insurance; fleeing an accident scene; passing a stopped school bus or construction zone violations.
Dismissing Traffic Points
Texas traffic school for point reductions is only available to motorists who have not completed a driver safety course within the past 12 months. Note that defensive driving courses are only available to drivers without a commercial drivers license.
A point reduction course in TX may be successfully completed if the driver receives prior permission from the court. The driver must then submit their traffic school certificate and a copy of their driving record.
Suspension of Your Texas Driving Privileges
If too many moving violations occur within a specific timeframe, the violations may result in a drivers license suspension. In some cases, a point reduction course may be taken to reduce the risk of receiving a drivers license suspension. For example, a drivers license suspension may result if more than four moving violations occur within one year. A drivers license suspension may also result if a driver obtains more than seven moving violations in two years. Completing a GetDefensive TX defensive driving course can help to reduce points on a driving record. literally
In other cases, Texas traffic school is not an option and an automatic drivers licenses suspension may occur. Traffic incidents that may result in an automatic drivers license suspension include the following: underage drinking; fatal collisions due to reckless driving; traffic violations from drug or alcohol use and accidents that occur while driving uninsured. However, completing a defensive driving course may help to reinstate a drivers license more quickly.
Defensive Driving and Insurance Discounts in Texas
Taking an insurance reduction course through driving school may also help reduce costly insurance premiums. In addition to the safety tactics and point reduction benefits to completing online driving school in Texas, these courses may also give motorists a discount on insurance rates. Discounts vary but could offer as much as a ten percent discount.
Attending Traffic School in Texas
Whether attending GetDefensive Texas traffic school for ticket dismissal, improved insurance rates, enhanced driving skills or an improved driving record, traffic school with defensive driving classes benefit students in a variety of ways. Driving distractions involve a combination of visual, manual and cognitive factors and a defensive driving class can help make motorists aware of their own behaviors as well as the driving performance of other motorists.

How much do I have to pay for GetDefensive.com’s internet defensive driving course, and does this price include the mailing cost of the Texas certificate of completion?
The costs may vary by format for GetDefensive.com’s Texas online defensive driving courses. The price may be slightly higher if you select the defensive driving DVD or the defensive driving streaming video. For the internet defensive driving class, the cost is the lowest possible cost under State law, and this includes the shipping of the Texas certificate of completion that will be sent via regular US mail.
I sat through a traditional classroom defensive driving program over 1 year ago. Since I not aware of internet defensive driving courses, will you tell me what I need to do after registering for the GetDefensive.com defensive driving online class?
There are two (2) types of online defensive driving courses that are available – one is for ticket dismissal and the other is for auto insurance premium reduction. You may enroll in the online defensive driving course on any computer with online access, and you are permitted to start and stop as often as you’d prefer, and pick up from wherever you left off. The online defensive driving course is divided into several chapters, and at the end of each chapter you will be given a brief, multiple-choice quiz which will assist you in preparing for the final exam. Once you favorably complete the final exam, GetDefensive.com will issue to you a completion certificate which will be sent to you via the shipping method that you select at the time of registration.
Is there any guarantee that I will get an auto insurance premium reduction when I successfully complete GetDefensive.com’s Texas defensive driving internet class?
It is probable, but not guaranteed. Although we do recommend that you check with your local auto insurance agent before registering for the GetDefensive.com Texas defensive driving online class. It is helpful to know that numerous auto insurance carriers offer reductions| of up to 10% to policyholders who successfully complete the GetDefensive.com defensive driving program. Also, customers who get through our internet defensive driving class for ticket dismissal get two (2) copies of his or her completion certificate–one to present to the court and one to give to his or her auto insurance agent.
Am I required to log in to the exact same computer when I take the second half of the GetDefensive.com Texas defensive driving internet program?
No. As long as the computer has online access, you may complete GetDefensive.com’s defensive driving internet course from any computer. You are permitted to use multiple computers if you want to, but you will have to be certain that each computer has the flash and browser features that are required.GetDefensive.com will run a brief scan on any computer that you log into for the first time to make sure that it has the required software installed. The defensive driving internet program can fit into a busy schedule!
I am a really active college student. May I start and stop the GetDefensive.com Texas defensive driving internet class as often as necessary?
Yes, you may start and stop as needed when you finish GetDefensive.com’s defensive driving internet program. You do not have to finish the program all at one time. When you do want to take a break, you can then resume where you left off. GetDefensive.com’s program is flexible, and can be worked into your full schedule!
I need to be certain that my recent traffic ticket is not added to my Texas driver record. How can I obtain GetDefensive.com’s certificate of completion?
When you have passed the GetDefensive.com Texas Internet defensive driving course, the completion certificate will be sent via regular mail to the mailing address that you provided when you signed up to take the course. However, please remember that you must present it to the court by or before the court due date.
If I need to take GetDefensive.com’s defensive driving online program, how can I find out if my traffic citation is eligible for dismissal by my local court?
GetDefensive.com is 100% accepted by every court in the State of Texas for internet ticket dismissal. If your traffic citation is eligible for dismissal, your court will notify you as to when you have to take a defensive driving class. You may also be eligible for a 10% auto insurance discount through your insurance carrier if you satisfactorily complete the internet defensive driving class at GetDefensive.com however, we recommend that you first check with your local auto insurance agent.
How often may I ?sign up for GetDefensive.com’s Texas defensive driving internet class for ticket dismissal purposes?
Texas State Law restricts you from removing a second traffic ticket every twelve (12) months. If you are not certain as to when you last took the internet defensive driving course, we strongly recommend that you consult with the traffic court to confirm if you now qualify to go through GetDefensive.com’s defensive driving internet program.
I have to enroll in a defensive driving internet class to assist me in keeping my Texas driver record clear. If I do not satisfactorily get through the quizzes in the GetDefensive.com defensive driving online course, am I still able to successfully complete the Texas defensive driving online course?
It is possible. The quizzes are required and are essential, and they help in getting you ready for GetDefensive.com’s defensive driving final examination. However, they will not count against your final grade in the internet defensive driving program.
How does GetDefensive.com’s Texas online defensive driving course compare with the traditional defensive driving classroom setting?
GetDefensive.com’s internet defensive driving class is certified by the State of Texas as an equivalent to the traditional defensive driving classroom program. When you take GetDefensive.com’s internet defensive driving class, you do not have to take time out to attend and sit through any long classroom instruction. The GetDefensive.com course is convenient for a busy lifestyle, and you can set your own schedule!