El Paso
El Paso Approved Defensive Driving Online and Insurance Reduction Online Courses
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Texas Education Agency (TEA) Approved online defensive driving course

El Paso Ticket Dismissal and Insurance Reduction

$25 – lowest price in the State of Texas

Our 6-hour online driver safety course is a fun, interactive and easy way to dismiss a ticket and lower your insurance costs. It is fully approved by the TEA for Corpus Christi citation dismissal (TEA Provider # CP021).

Once you complete this internet defensive driving course, we will ship your certificate of completion to you by regular US Mail free of charge. If you are in a hurry, you may also select any of our convenient expedited shipping methods through FedEx for an additional charge.
What form of payment do you prefer for taking the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving class online?
GetDefensive.com accepts payments in the form of a credit card or in the form of an online check. GetDefensive.com must receive your payment before you begin the El Paso Texas defensive driving class online.
How will I receive my completion certificate after I successfully complete the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas internet defensive driving or driver safety class?
Once you have completed the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas online defensive driving/driver safety/ticket dismissal class, your completion certificate will be sent to you by first-class mail. If you have a court deadline fast approaching, you may wish to use one of our expedited shipping methods and have it sent via FedEx. We regret that GetDefensive.com is not able to send completion certificates via email or fax.
What will your company do to protect my personal information (credit card number, etc.) which I enter into your website?
Protecting our customers’ private information is GetDefensive.com’s top priority. This is why we use SSL encryption which ensures the safety of our customers’ personal information including your credit card number, address, etc.. When you register for GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas defensive driving/driver safety/insurance reduction online class, you can rest assured that your private information is fully protected.
Is there a registration fee when I sign up for GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas streaming video course or GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas DVD defensive driving course or GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas online defensive driving course or GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas online traffic school course?
GetDefensive.com offers the El Paso Texas defensive driving course. The fee for taking our online defensive driving course is $25.00, which may vary by format. Please know that the fee may be a little higher if you choose to take the El Paso Texas defensive driving video (DVD) course or the El Paso Texas defensive driving streaming video course. $25.00 is the minimum allowable price for our course under El Paso Texas state law, and it covers regular shipping of your completion certificate.
Exactly how does GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas defensive driving online class/insurance reduction online class work?
There are two (2) kinds of El Paso Texas defensive driving online courses offered by GetDefensive.com, one for getting a ticket dismissed, and the other is for getting auto insurance premiums reduced. Both types of courses may be taken on any computer provided it has internet access. You can take the course all at once or in portions, whichever your prefer. The El Paso Texas defensive driving online course is divided into chapters, with each chapter ending with a short multiple-choice quiz which will help prepare you for the final exam. Once you pass the final exam, we will issue you a completion certificate, which is sent to you via regular mail or whichever shipping method you choose at the time you register for the course.
Would my insurance rates be lessened if I take the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving/insurance reduction course online?
Most likely yes, however we do recommend that you check with your local El Paso Texas insurance agent before taking GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas defensive driving/insurance reduction course online. Many El Paso Texas insurance carriers do offer discounts of up to 10% on auto insurance for policyholders who successfully complete a El Paso Texas defensive driving/driver safety course which is approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Also, any GetDefensive.com customer who takes and passes our El Paso Texas online course for ticket dismissal will receive two (2) copies of their completion certificate–one to give to the court and one to give to their insurance agent.
Will I be able to use multiple computers over the next few days to complete the El Paso Texas online defensive driving course, or do I need to take the El Paso Texas defensive driving course all from one computer?
You are allowed to use multiple computers to complete the El Paso Texas online defensive driving course as long as each computer has internet access and the necessary flash and browser requirements installed. When you login to the El Paso Texas online defensive driving course at GetDefensive.com for the first time, our system will check to see if your computer meets all requirements.
Do I have to take the full El Paso Texas defensive driving course/driver safety course which GetDefensive.com offers over the internet all in one fell swoop? I’d like to be able to work on it a little each day if that’s possible.
No worries. There is no requirement for you have to take the entire GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas internet defensive driving course from start to finish all in one fell swoop. You are certainly allowed to break it up and take it in portions over a period of time. In other words, you are free to set your own work schedule.
When I complete the El Paso Texas streaming video course, or the El Paso Texas driver improvement course, or the El Paso Texas video traffic school course, or the El Paso Texas online defensive driving course. How will your office get my diploma to me?
Once you complete the El Paso Texas streaming video course, or the El Paso Texas driver improvement course, or the El Paso Texas video traffic school course, or the El Paso Texas online defensive driving course, our office will mail your certificate of completion to the shipping address you provided at the time you registered.
Does GetDefensive.com offer any El Paso Texas defensive driving course options for those customers who may have difficulty reading large amounts of text?
The GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas online defensive driving course contains interactive videos, animations, graphics and other multi-media elements to help break up the course text; however, if you have difficulty reading large amounts of text we recommend that you order our “read along” El Paso Texas driver improvement course option. When you order read along, the course will be read aloud by a narrator as you follow along with the online text. The El Paso Texas internet defensive driving course read along feature qualifies as an ADA compliant resource as it assists people with learning disabilities or visual impairments in taking our El Paso Texas defensive driving program.
Is the defensive driving course GetDefensive.com offers over the internet certified by the State of El Paso Texas as a bona-fide El Paso Texas defensive driving course which if take it will scrap my ticket from my driving record?
You bet it is! GetDefensive.com’s online defensive driving course is recognized in El Paso Texas. If your ticket is eligible for dismissal, any traffic court in El Paso Texas will dismiss your ticket after you successfully complete GetDefensive.com’s online defensive driving course.
I just got a ticket and I would like to get it dismissed. However, I took the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving course a little less than a year ago to have a prior ticket dismissed. Am I eligible to take GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving course/safe driving course again so I can have this new ticket taken off my driving record?
Under El Paso Texas law, you are only eligible to have one (1) ticket dismissed by taking a El Paso Texas defensive driving course every twelve (12) months. If you have already taken a El Paso Texas defensive driving course during the past twelve (12) months, you would not be eligible at this time to take the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving online course to get another ticket dismissed at this time.
What score do I need to make on the course quizzes in order to pass them?
The chapter/section quizzes included in the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas online defensive driving/driver safety/insurance reduction course are merely designed to help prepare you for the final test you will take at the end of the course. Your performance on the quizzes will have no effect on your overall score for the course.
Would it possible to take the El Paso Texas defensive driving course over the internet instead of having to sign up for a weekend seminar?
You bet! GetDefensive.com offers the entire El Paso Texas defensive driving course over the internet so there’s no need for you to take the El Paso Texas defensive driving classroom course.
Is taking the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas online defensive driving class or online driver safety class good for having two (2) or more traffic tickets dismissed?
No. The laws in El Paso Texas only permit a defendant to dismiss one (1) traffic ticket/citation a year (meaning a 12-month period, not a calendar year) by taking a Texas Education Agency-approved defensive driving or driver safety class. If you’ve already taken a defensive driving class within the past 12 months or are uncertain when and if you have taken a defensive driving class, we suggest you obtain a copy of your Texas Driver Record or ask the El Paso Texas traffic court if you are currently eligible to have a ticket dismissed. If you are eligible, you may register to take the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving/driver safety/ticket dismissal class to have a single ticket dismissed, but no more than one (1) ticket can be dismissed by taking our class.
Since GetDefensive.com’s El Paso Texas defensive driving course is offered over the internet instead of in a traditional classroom with an instructor, how can I show my picture ID to verify my identity?
GetDefensive.com is required by the State of Texas to verify your identity when you take our El Paso Texas online defensive driving course in one(1) of two(2) ways: by taking questions from your driver record/driver history which is on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as well as from your vehicle registration information which is on file with the Texas Department of Transportation (DOT).
If you do not have both a driver record and a vehicle registered with the State of Texas, you will need to provide a signed and notarized Statement of Assurance and you will be required to accurately respond to personal questions throughout the GetDefensive.com El Paso Texas defensive driving online course.